Sunday, March 20, 2011

St. Patty's Day Parade

We had a fabulous time at the St. Patty's Day Parade through down town Tejon last weekend. This years amazing float was designed by our good friend Cara.  With the help of staff members, club volunteers and club members, the float design was able to come to life!  Take a look for yourself:

Can you say "glitter"?  It was definitely easy to spot this beauty from a distance as it hovered down Tejon.  We had about 80 kids show up to support us and be part of our float.  Some walked with banners and some took a ride on the float itself! 

Our Teen Safe Driving Program was spotlighted as well.  Many of the teens manned a booth in Acacia Park, from 9am - 2pm.  The Teen Safe Driving Program is sponsored by Allstate, which encourages teens to learn about the dangers of distracted driving, with a particular emphasis on getting hundreds of teens and community members not to text and drive. 

At our St. Patty's Day booth, Allstate provided us with a huge banner.  Our goal was to get people to pledge not to text and drive by putting a blue thumb print on this banner.  By the end of the day, we received 996 pledges -- that's a lot of thumbs!

Even this guy signed:

Thank you!

We also passed out thumb rings that read "txting klls" as well as candy with spiffy slogans on them.  For instance, a 100 Grand candy bar read, "Your life is worth more than 100 Grand! Don't text and drive!"

Our teen members also emphasized a campaign dreamt up by themselves, "LID" or "Later I'm Driving".   They asked hundreds of parade-goers to text "LID" before stepping into their cars so that family and friends know not to text them while they are driving. To top it off, each teen member wore a bright orange shirt which starred the "LID" logo.

It was an exciting day for all of us and we are so happy it ended up a success!  Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the float and at our booth, as well as those who pledged not to text and drive!

Picture of the day:

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