Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Torch Club

Torch Club is an amazing opportunity to teach youth about community service, leadership, responsibility, and character.  It’s specifically for youth between the ages of 11 and 13, and it also just happens to be a program that I run at El Pomar (Mr. Myles and Mrs. Heather run it at Tutt).  We’ve had a few Torch Club meetings already this year, and thus far, we’re having a lot of fun!
Recently, the Torch Club from both El Pomar and Tutt had the opportunity to assist some of our amazing volunteers and club staff in a club clean up.  While volunteers and club staff cleaned out a few of our HUGE storage closets, the two Torch Clubs came together to pick up trash around our clubs, as well as give our Art and Power Hour rooms a good scrubbin'!

This was an opportunity for our middle schoolers to prove they've got what it takes to make a difference in their surroundings, and boy did they do an outstanding job!  Our lawn and fence looked spotless :).
We celebrated afterwards with a BBQ and fun games outside.

Cheers to Torch Club, our amazing volunteers, and club staff for making this day a complete success!

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