Monday, February 7, 2011

Christmas Events

The fall holiday season may have ended a month ago, but really, who doesn’t like to talk about holidays???  During the month of December, we had a few special days planned for our members.  One day included decorating sugar cookies, and another focused on making ornaments out of popsicle sticks. 

But the star of our holiday season was our Pajama Jam Party!  Our members stayed at our club after the normal hours because we had a spectacular night planned for them (while their parents got to have a few extra hours to themselves).  
We started out the night with a Pickle Hunt. Yes, I said PICKLE HUNT!  We taught our kids about the German tradition of the Christmas pickle: each year, a family hid a pickle somewhere on the tree, and the first kid to find it Christmas morning received an extra gift. This German tradition inspired our Pickle Hunt.  We hid one pickle somewhere throughout the whole building, then split the kids into teams of five. The first team to find the pickle received a prize!  But the catch was, they had to stay with their team throughout the whole search (no splitting up)! 
Explanation of Pickle Hunt:

Pickle Hunt Madness:

After the Pickle Hunt, we decorated gingerbread houses made of graham crackers:

While others enjoyed playing a game of hockey in the gym or one of our favorite games, Baby Food Roulette.   Baby Food Roulette incorporates, wait for it… BABY FOOD! It’s a game that is much like hot potato.  Members stand in a circle.  One member starts out with a plastic spoon.  When the music starts, the spoon is passed around the circle.  When the music stops, whoever is holding the plastic spoon, must blindly pick a jar of baby food from a bag, take a bite, and then they’re out! We played this game back in October as well, and it was a HUGE hit with the kids, so we had to be bring it back. Who knew baby food could be so tasty???

We also had some delicious pizza and chocolaty chocolate milk for dindin.  Yummy!
J Aren’t holidays the best? J

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