Friday, February 4, 2011

By the way...

Let me introduce myself:

Hi! My name is Kelly.  I’m a staff member at El Pomar, but I also help out at the Tutt Club from time to time (specifically with the Teen Safe Driving Program on Wednesdays).  You can also find my name on the right side of this blog under the “Meet the Staff” section. 

See, this is me all happy shmappy:

Oh, and this is me eating a piece of celery:

(As part of our Triple Play program, the kids had to guess what fruit or vegetable they tasted while they were blindfolded.  As you can see, I took a turn, and wasn’t very happy with what I got ;)

I have been working with the Boys and Girls Club of the Pikes Peak Region since September of 2010.  Many of you may not know this, but I was brought here through Americorps.  Americorps hires volunteers and places them in special places and positions throughout the United States. I came all the way from Virginia, right outside of Washington D.C.  And you better believe I’ve loved every minute of being here with you all!

Before working with the Boys and Girls Club, I had a few fun internships: with the PBS KIDS website, as well as the AOL Kids website (with their online radio show!).  I also worked for an online Green Wedding Magazine.  By now you’re probably noticing an “online” pattern of sorts, which is why I’m so passionate about getting this blog up and running at the Boys and Girls Club.  I also had a bit of time working for an International Development Firm back in D.C., as well as a few years as a Substitute Teacher.  Fun stuff, right?

As we all get to know each other on a new level through this blog, please feel free to interact.  My email address is listed in the blog profile, and there is indeed a comments section at the end of each blog post in order for you to leave feedback.  Digital high-fives are always welcome!  I am so excited to share with you an inside look at our clubs. 
:) Enjoy (:

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