Monday, February 14, 2011

Goofy Golf

We recently put together a day of “Goofy Golf” for our members.  We turned our learning center, art room, and gym into a miniature golf course, but instead of the normal putter and golf ball, we made things a little goofier!

Some holes used hockey sticks and hockey pucks, others used a baseball bat and a baseball,
while some had scooters to sit on and funny garments to wear. 

Our last hole was the goofiest of them all: members had to use a hockey stick to hit a plastic bowling ball into 10 pins (in the hopes of knocking them all down, of course!). 
We split the members into groups of four, and each group had a designated score keeper (we created some pretty silly scorecards for them). 

We’ll definitely be doing this again!

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